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At King's Church we recognise the need to provide a safe and caring environment for children, young people and vulnerable adults. We acknowledge that children, young people and vulnerable adults can be the victims of physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect.


We accept the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant of Human Rights, which states that everyone is entitled to “all the rights and freedoms set forth therein, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status”.


We also concur with the Convention on the Rights of the Child which states that children should be able to develop their full potential, free from hunger and want, neglect and abuse. They have a right to be protected from “all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s), or any other person who has care of the child.” 


We have therefore adopted the procedures set out in our safeguarding policy in accordance with statutory guidance. We are committed to building constructive links with statutory and voluntary agencies involved in safeguarding.


We undertake to: 

  • endorse and follow all national and local safeguarding legislation and procedures

  • provide ongoing safeguarding training for all its workers and will regularly review our procedures

  • support the safeguarding coordinator in their work and in any action they may need to take in order to protect children and vulnerable adults.


Each person who works within this church community will agree to abide by this policy and the guidelines established by this church.




Information on our safeguarding team including contact details will be available at our weekly meetings.  They will be the first people to speak to if you have any concerns about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult.​


For a copy of our policy please contact us at

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